
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Homelessness An Aspect Of Society - 1300 Words

English B: Argumentative Essay Homelessness is an aspect of society, which most people chose not to acknowledge. With the increasing amount of issues the United States faces, homelessness tends to be forgotten when the time comes for the government to establish what issues they should assist. Due to the substantial amount of issues the government concerns itself with, homelessness does not receive the necessary attention required and is improperly handled. In today’s society poverty-stricken individuals or families is too much of a common occurrence to be treated as lightly as it is. Additional government intervention is necessary in order to supply the needed resources, which can prevent the further spread of homelessness. The United States government is obligated to protect its citizens and should care about the constant growth of homelessness. Through economic policies and community advertisements, the government can control the issue of individuals who are facing povert y. There is a list of certain rights that every natural born citizen is granted once they are born. This conveys no matter what social or economical state the citizen is, his or her rights cannot be taken away, but must be protected by the government. Homeless citizens then do maintain these undeniable rights and remain under the protection of the government. John Locke an English philosopher, who’s ideals influenced the foundation of numerous constitutions, asserts that a person’s undeniable rightsShow MoreRelatedConservatism And Its Impact On Society1049 Words   |  5 Pagescustoms; as these traditions and customs are of the dominant groups in society. The preservation of traditions and customs are the most important aspect of this ideology; traditions trumps everything else. Conservatism resist the idea of change as it will disrupt the way of life for the most dominant groups. 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In a research made by Coalition for the homeless says that in December 2015, there were 60Read MoreWhy Homelessness Is Worldwide And Social Problem866 Words   |  4 Pagesindividual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in a t ransitional housing† (â€Å"definition of homelessness,† n.d.). It is important to recognize that homelessness is worldwide and social problem because it is directly affected by large social forces that affects individual’s social life. In a research made by Coalition for the homeless says that in December 2015, there were 60Read MoreIs Homelessness Not Just A Problem?1714 Words   |  7 Pagesof the Twenty-First Century, where computer technology has eradicated borders in society, creating unique communication opportunities and business ventures worldwide without leaving home is phenomenal. 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Simply put, it is the ability to interpret situations and circumstances in terms of social context and understandRead More Homes for the Homeless1436 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness is a major health issue around the world that needs to be addressed. Many individuals in a community often misinterpret the cause of homelessness. Comments towards homeless people such as â€Å"get a job† or â€Å"go to school† often are used freely by members of soci-ety because they fail to look at the comprehensive of this oppressing issue. Homelessness has a strong link to the determinants of health (DOH), most notably income and social status (Fingfeld, 2010). The article, â€Å"No FundingRead MoreA Brief Note On Open Your Eyes ! Homelessness863 Words   |  4 Pages Open your eyes! Homelessness is not just people living on the streets or cars because they chose to. Now empathize with the homeless. These are the people that are unable to acquire a lasting, regular, and safe place to reside. Often times society views the homeless as an invisible aspect of society and others view them as nuisances. There are so many underlying factors that explain why one is homeless, and what society can do to help this social issue. The basic human necessities in life areRead MoreHomeless Vehicle Project With David Lurie982 Words   |  4 Pagescreating work that not only included lower class members of society but also addressed many of the issues they were facing in their societies such as homelessness. During the mid-1980s, many contemporary artists began taking their works out of the museums’ and galleries and started presenting them in the city streets, poverty stricken ghettos and urban communities. By doing this they were able to reach a broader audience outside of high-class society. Artists such as, Krzysztof Wodiczko, was one of the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Understand theories of relationships and social networks...

1.1 Key principles of relationship theories - Stage theories in general describe how we go through distinct stages as we develop. Thus, rather than gradually changing, we typically make sudden shifts to different plateaus of perception and behaviour. Relationships go through a series of stages as they mature. Levingers model has ABCDE stages. A = Acquaintance/attraction. We meet other people and feel an initial attraction, often based on physical beauty and similarity. B = Build-up. We become increasingly interdependent as we reveal more and more about our private selves. We get irritated by one another, but the more pleasant aspects may well keep the relationship going. C = Continuation/consolidation. Longer-term commitments are†¦show more content†¦- strength coming from partner allowing a person to explore ways to expand into new territories. - trust. - goals are the same, even though the ways of expressing them may be different. - each brings healing into the other through depth and security. - the relationship causes person to create a new dynamic based on the future rather than on what has been known in the past. - lucky. 3.1 Process involved in the development, maintenance and breakdown of relationships – development - Reward/need satisfaction model direct reinforcement may encourage the formation of a relationship between individuals. Operant conditioning could occur where an individual is positively reinforced with the potential partner offering pleasant stimulus such as smiling. Additionally social needs may be provided for by this potential partner such as friendship and sex, furthering the likelihood of a relationship developing. Alternatively negative reinforcement may be involved where a negative stimulus is removed by the potential partner e.g. If a woman helps a man through a troubled time in his life he may find her more attractive as she has helped to alleviate his negative stimuli. Liking through association – Classical conditioning The potential partner may be associated with pleasant circumstances. If someone was to meet another individual while they are in a good mood, th ey may then associate such individual with the positive mood, finding them moreShow MoreRelatedIntegrating Wireless Laptop Into the Classroom Essay1306 Words   |  6 PagesThe theoretical framework for integrating wireless laptops involves the theory of social constructivism (SC). Dewey (1916/1997), Papert (1993/2000), Piaget (1932/1997), and Vygotsky (1978/1981) are the noted developers of the SC theory. The theory of SC underlies building collaborative relationships between teachers and their students. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Accounting Theory for Assist Corporations Meet - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAccounting Theory for Assist Corporations Meet. Answer: Introduction This report presents detailed explanation as to how a move from the traditional corporate reporting to an integrated reporting could benefit an organization and its key stakeholders. This starts by a discussion on the capacity of a traditional corporate reporting to different corporates, followed by the meaning of integrated reporting and how it could assist in addressing limitations of the traditional reporting. Further, the report presents a discussion as to how integrated reporting differs from the other non-financial reporting techniques, then a review of the advantages and disadvantages of integrated reporting. The report is then lapped up by an explanation as to how relevant integrated reporting could be to stakeholders of various listed companies. Capacity of Traditional Corporate Reporting to Assist Corporations Meet Their Current Environmental and Social Challenges Revelation of the corporate, social, environmental as well as governance aspects has turned to be the topic of greater attention. Traditional corporate reporting is usually a signal of superior and competitiveness corporate governance. This kind of reporting always assists in addressing all relevant information concisely and also discloses thoroughly measures undertaken including on corporate policy, activities, companys prospects, strategic plans as well as current initiatives in protecting the environment (Guthrie Abeysekera 2006). Therefore, a stronger traditional corporate reporting could assist in attracting capital and maintaining confidence in capital markets; hence, assisting organizations meet their environmental and social challenges. In addition, traditional corporate reporting has the capacity to assist organizations meet their environmental and social challenges since it assists capital providers and potential investors to understand financial performance of a given org anization. This makes it easier for the corporations to get financial assistance from capital providers to carter for their environmental and social needs. In essence, the information and gauge that traditional corporate reporting need are tool that an organizations management could utilize as the key input to their strategic planning. In addition, traditional corporate report is regarded as the communication instrument in providing reassurance to the shareholders about an organizations behaviour beyond its financial status. Therefore, the exercise of the traditional corporate reporting could be viewed as an instrument in an organizations business strategy, not only the public relations application (Stubbs Higgins 2014). Further, traditional corporate reporting has the capacity of delivering information which would assist in improving decision-making value to customers, employees and investors which is in return essential for corporations as it could assist them meet their environmental and social challenges. It also has the capacity to increase accountability and transparency of different organizations since it was considered as a sig nificant means for organizations to show their long-term economic value and performance, while assuming corporate responsibility and donating to a sustainable development. Further, traditional corporate reporting has the capacity to assist organizations meet their current environmental and social challenges in that it provide managements take on an organizations external market. Even though no one has the capacity to predict the future, potential investors wish to understand what an organizations leadership thins the future would hold (IIRC 2013). This is basically, provided under traditional corporate reporting where competitive environment, macroeconomic environment as well as regulatory environment in which an entity operates in is reported. In addition, traditional corporate reporting has the capacity to assist organizations deal with environmental and social challenges in that they provide details on how well these organizations manage their intangible and tangible assets, including customers, innovation, brands, social and environmental reputation aimed at creating value. Meaning of Integrated Reporting and How It Can Address Limitations of the Traditional Reporting IR is a precise communication process on how a given companys strategy, presentation, prospects and governance bring about formation of value over time (De Villiers et al. 2014). In essence, it is usually the global alliance of organization, investors, regulators, accounting experts and standard setters. It is one of the recent reporting developments in line of the anticipated reporting inventions which are said to help improve significance of the corporate reporting. This helps in establishment of guiding principles as well as content elements which is said to govern full content of IR and in explaining vital ideas which support them (Stubbs Higgins 2014). It enhances accountability and transparency which is crucial in building resilience and trust, by revealing how chief shareholders genuine interests and requirements are understood, considered and replied to via actions, continuing statement and decisions. In essence, IR is the procedure initiated on an integrated thinking which is said to results in intermittent integrated reports by a given company about value creation within a specified period and related communications about aspects of value creations (IIRC 2013). Therefore, given the above definitions of IR, it is evident that IR can help in addressing limitations of the traditional corporate reporting in that it would help in improving superiority of the evidence presented to suppliers of the financial capital in enabling a more effective as well as a more productive allocation of the capital. In addition, IR addresses limitations of the traditional corporate reporting since it endorse a more efficient and cohesive tactic to the corporate reporting that attracts numerous reporting elements and communicate complete aspects that are said to materially upset volume of a given company to creating value. It also enhances stewardship and accountability for a broader base of the capital and promotes understanding for interdependencies (Owen 2013). Further, integrated reporting could address limitations from traditional reporting technique in that it bring about better risk identification as well as mitigation procedures which is a win for an organization, its directors and shareholders it affects. It also assists in addressing traditional reporting limitations in that it alter decision-making procedures in a manner that bring into line benefits to the society and general business (Stubbs Higgins 2014). Furthermore, integrated reporting can assist in addressing limitations of traditional corporate reporting in that it does not only shows the connection in between an entitys governance, financial presentation, strategy and social economic and environmental context within which an organization operates, but it also integrate sustainability into an organizations core business (IIRC 2013). Further, it helps in addressing limitations of traditional corporate reporting in that it gives clear metrics, translating both the environment al and social issues into the business language; that is, figures. This is achieved by including the ESG metrics such as the ones different companies are experimenting currently which is important for investors as well as other stakeholders. How Integrated Reporting Differ from the Other Nonfinancial Reporting Techniques Integrated reporting differs from other forms of reporting in that it moves past the silo method of reporting and gathering a more inclusive evaluation and exhibition of an entitys performance as well as worth. This gives numerous benefits like giving an entity an all-inclusive outlook of evidence pertinent to its key strategy, capacity to create and sustain value as well as business model. Therefore, unlike the other reporting approaches, integrated reporting provides all the relevant information for the internal and external purposes while at the same time providing appropriate information to the shareholders (Fras-Aceituno, Rodrguez-Ariza Garca-Snchez 2013). Further, it differs from the other nonfinancial reporting techniques in that it entails a holistic discipline that is mostly based upon an interlinking process of all data sets; meaning that in integrated reporting all the relevant information including the non-financial information are to be made available on timely, reliabl e and regular basis. Furthermore, integrated reporting differs from other nonfinancial reporting in that it entails consequences of the integrated thinking unlike other nonfinancial reporting which are silo based promoting thinking in silos. In essence, integrated support or reflects integrated thinking and therefore is it both a consequence of the integrated thinking and stimulating it. Also, integrated reporting differs from other nonfinancial reporting in that under integrated reporting, other methods of capitals like natural, human and social intellectual and the manufactured capital are included unlike other nonfinancial reporting which are predominantly based on presenting an organizations stewardship on the financial capital (Abeysekera 2013). Further, integrated reporting aims at connecting the future and past of all the strategic relationships and resources unlink the traditional reporting which does not connect all the information to one another and to an organizations sustainable value creatio n and objectives. Additionally, although short-term data is significant in analysing a given organization, other nonfinancial reporting focus solely on short-term objectives unlike the integrated reporting that focus on turning around this myopic fact and report both short and long-term information. It also differs from other nonfinancial reporting in that it is principle based enabling focus on aspects which are material to specific organizations and enabling disclosure of particular status in a clear language (Stubbs Higgins 2014). This is contrary to other nonfinancial reporting which are often claimed to be a bit compliance oriented; hence, hindering an entitys capacity to exercise suitable judgement. Further, complexity and length in the financial reports is said to hinder different readers in collecting information (Dumay, Bernardi, Guthrie Demartini 2016). Nonetheless, with integrated reporting, it is easier for the readers to collect information since the reports under integrated reporting a re in a focused and concise manner unlike the other nonfinancial reporting where reports are lengthy and imprecise manner. Advantages and of Integrated Reporting Integrated reporting is said to bring about some societal and investors advantages like transparency as well as some disadvantages. Therefore, this section would analyse business advantages and disadvantages of the integrated reporting as compared to other reporting practices. To start with, the first advantage of the integrated reporting is greater clarity. This is based on the fact that integrated reporting provides adequate linkage of non-financial and financial relationship (Stubbs Higgins 2014). Further, integrated reporting is advantageous since it enhances better decision making amongst investors and other stakeholders. In essence, it enhances increased effectiveness in the decision making via improved analysis of relationship that exists between non-financial and financial information. In addition, integrated reporting enhances deeper engagement such as increased communication effectiveness and efficiency through improved utilization of technological possibilities. It also lowers reputation risks through increased understanding of the probable risks via improved analysis of the tactical and strategic choices which could affect externals. In essence, integrated reporting provides essential opportunities in increasing understanding of an organization. This enhances increased knowledge of the risks and opportunities associated with a given organization in addition to an improved strategic communication which are important outcomes of the increased business understanding emerging from integrated reporting (Abeysekera 2013). Integrated reporting gives a greater access to wide range of external and internal information sources via integrated processes and standardization of the information. In addition, it provides streamlined reporting via more reuse of the reporting elements, collaboration and transparency of reporting and an analytical concept utilized by both external and internal analysts. It also give better allocation of the capital as well as other resources and better access to the business partner and capital markets (De Villiers, Rinaldi Unerman 2014). Further, integrated reporting assist in breaking down the silos and increasing the cross-functional communication amongst different departments by improving information flows; hence, improved connection across different departments. In essence, integrated reporting assists in increasing proficiency between different departments and also improves information usage. In spite of the numerous benefits associated with integrated reporting, there are also some challenges that come with this form of reporting. For instance, lack of clarity and complexity are seen as some of the probable disadvantages linked with integrated reporting (Rensburg Botha 2014). Although integrated reporting focuses on reduction of complexity and increasing clarity, the whole range of the non-financial data additionally to the financial information could prove to just increase complexity and to reduce clarity. In addition, under integrated reporting, there is lack of a tested set of the standard. Though the IR presently launched a framework, the framework has not yet been tested in the field; which could give the report preparers with best practice and case-studies that would in turn stimulates the awareness which is presently absent. Furthermore, integrated reporting is said to lack adequate guidance in establishing a balance in between commercial sensitivity and transpar ency as well as exposure of the risks (Fras-Aceituno et al. 2013). In addition, IR has a disadvantage in that under this framework, auditors would request for other reporting mechanisms, liability considerations and new standards. Basically, while dealing with the future-oriented data using integrated reporting it could prove a bit hectic to adapt to this framework. This is based on the fact that this reporting technique could prove impossible to assure which could in turn damage reliability of the information processed through integrated reporting. How Integrated Reporting is Relevant to Stakeholder of Various Listed Companies Integrated reporting is relevant to numerous stakeholders of listed companies in that it informs them about sustainability performance accomplished against the targets, strategy and vision adopted in serving their interest as well as other aspects that could influence the company performance in future. Further, integrated reporting is more relevant to shareholders of different listed companies since it gives them more relevant understandable information in enabling better decision-making (Kooiker, 2014). Further, integrated reporting is relevant to different stakeholders in that it improves corporate communication through both the stakeholders engagement for selection of important information and transparency on value creation. Furthermore, it is relevant since it provides some insights into organizations resources and relationships and how different organizations interrelate with exterior atmosphere and capital in creating value. To be more specific, integrated reporting include total of all capitals, benefits garnered by an organization, market value and cash flows as well as successful accomplishment of an organizations objectives. Studies shows that integrated reporting is relevant to investors in that is helped them management their investment risks, assess organization dynamics and regulatory environment, and be able to assess the organizations forward looking information. In essence, this framework is relevant to investors in that it helps them to gain greater insights into listed organizations strategies, their business models as well as how they create values over time; hence, supporting their investment decisions and improving their returns (Adams 2015). Further, integrated reporting is relevant to shareholders in that it assists in shifting the extent to which a listed company co-exist in mutually beneficial manner (Stubbs Higgins 2014). It recognizes both the value-created for shareholders and that one for an entity. This could have some impacts on the long-term value production of listed organizations and provides of their capital. In addition, integrated reporting is relevant to shareholders since it enhances business-society relation that is characterized by mutual advantage and trust, which is crucial to long-term success of these companies. Integrated reporting is also relevant in that is a means to encourage competition between different listed companies over which firm is more sustainable for the stakeholders. Further, integrated reporting is relevant to the stakeholders since it allows them to make more informed evaluation of the future of different organizations. It is also relevant to stakeholders since it help them easi ly understand reports of various organizations since integrated reports shows interdependency of both financial performance and the non-financial issues of the companies; hence, changing stakeholders perception. References Abeysekera, I 2013, A template for integrated reporting,Journal of Intellectual Capital, 14(2), 227245. Adams, CA 2015, The international integrated reporting council: a call to action, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 27, 23-28. De Villiers, C, Rinaldi, L Unerman, J 2014, Integrated reporting: Insights, gaps and an agenda for future research,Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 27(7), 10421067. Dumay, J, Bernardi, C, Guthrie, J Demartini, P 2016, Integrated reporting: A structured literature review,Accounting Forum. doi:10.1016/j.accfor.2016.06.001. Fras-Aceituno, JV, Rodrguez-Ariza, L Garca-Snchez, IM 2013, Is integrated reporting determined by a country's legal system? An exploratory study, Journal of cleaner production, 44, 45-55. Guthrie, J Abeysekera, I 2006, Content analysis of social, environmental reporting: What is new?,Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting, 10(2), 114126. IIRC 2013, The International Integrated Reporting Framework: Accessed 3rd October, 2017 from; https://integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/13-12-08-THEINTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-2-1.pdf IIRC. (2013).International integrated reporting framework. London: International Integrated Reporting council. Accessed 3rd October, 2017 from;https://www.discussionpaper2011.theiirc.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/DP/discussionpaper2011_print_version.pdf Kooiker, KG 2014, Towards a new corporate reporting model? Analyzing stakeholder opinions concerning the role of business in society and integrated reporting (Master's thesis, University of Twente). Owen, G 2013, Integrated reporting: A review of developments and their implications for the accounting curriculum,Accounting Education, 22(4), 340356. Rensburg, R Botha, E 2014, Is Integrated Reporting the silver bullet of financial communication? A stakeholder perspective from South Africa, Public Relations Review, 40(2), 144-152. Stubbs, W Higgins, C 2014, Integrated reporting and internal mechanisms of change,Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 27(7), 10681089.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Importance of Family and Community Engagement in Elementary Schools

The essay is a reaction to an article titled â€Å"Improving Parent Involvement in Schools: A Cultural Perspective† written by Keane Theresa published in 2007.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on The Importance of Family and Community Engagement in Elementary Schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article contends that parent involvement is of paramount significance to students’ success in academic just like teachers are. Additionally, the barrier to parent involvement and what can be done to curb them are also discussed in the article. Despite the significance attached to parent involvement, the article notes that although standards for students are on the rise, parent involvement is on the decline. Being able to point out the factors leading to the decline will help address the problem. When considering the link between parent involvement and achievement, the author notes that involvement mean s different things to different people. There are indeed benefits when all the factors deemed to be parent involvement are considered. It has been shown that parent involvement to issues relating to their children helps them achieve more. In situations where parents actively monitor the progress of their student, they will be able to know their areas of weakness and try to help them. Additionally, when parents are involved, they create a learning environment back at home. This has been seen when they help their children do homework and encourage a culture of learning. Similarly, parents do encourage their children by making them know they are unique and are capable of achieving academic excellence. In terms of social behavior, parent involvement help in shaping the manner of student and will try to avoid being in trouble.Advertising Looking for article on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly and more i mportantly, student whose parent are actively involved in their learning develop positive attitude hence have lower chances of dropping out of schools. All these help teachers to concentrate in imparting knowledge rather than doing what parent opt to have done back home. However, there are barriers that block or hinder parent involvement in the academic lives of their children. The author acknowledges the woks of other scholars such as Lazar Slostad, 1999 who held that parent do care very much about the academic lives of their children. However, parents hold a negative perception about involvement since there are no frameworks in place that make teachers and parents to understand each others as well as network. Inadequate preparation of teachers to work with other adults or parent is the main challenge in parent involvement. Other barriers include cultural different; institutions where teachers are highly respected parent activities might be seen as an interruption and hence unwelc ome. Additionally race, language barrier, lack of transportation and economical status of an individual also acts as a barrier to active involvement of parents in school activities. Lastly decline in family which has seen to it that there is a rise in single parents also contributes to the problem. It is true that single parents are not able to divide their time appropriately to indulge in all activities that will foster the academic lives of their children. With this barriers, there is need to have in place mechanisms that will help reverse the trend. One approach can entail having conferences per semester where thorough consultation are made before decision are arrived at. Additionally, having in place an initiative in which parents will be educated on various issues regarding leadership, communication as well as importance of actively taking part in school activities is called for.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on The Importance of Family and Community Eng agement in Elementary Schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Similarly creation of policies and guidelines that will clearly outline the goals and expectations for parents and teachers will help in overcoming the barriers previously mentioned. Training teachers on how best to work and network with other adults (parents) will go an extra mile in creating an environment where parents will feel welcomed and give their best in terms of involvement. In my view encouraging parents to volunteer in issues such as school building will encourage a culture of parent involvement. Reference Keane, T. (2007). â€Å"Improving parent involvement in schools: A Cultural Perspective† River Academic Journal, 3(2): 1-4. Lazar, A. Slostad, F. (1999). â€Å"How to overcome obstacles to parent-teacher partnerships† Clearing House, 72(4): 206-210. This article on The Importance of Family and Community Engagement in Elementary Schools was written and submitted by user Desmond Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.